Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

Blubbidiwupps Testblog: Gewinnt ein Fädelspiel von Haba

Blubbidiwupps Testblog: Gewinnt ein Fädelspiel von Haba: Von Haba hab ich euch ja schon jede Menge wunderschönes Spielzeug vorstellen dürfen und auf vielen Blogs hattet ihr auch schon die Möglichke...

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

Blog? why? whats new?

A long time ago, a good friend of mine told me to blog about my pregnancy and motherhood in group on Facebook... I informed my friends about the all the classes i took, pregnancy complications, birthing and the life with my son. Now I came up with the idea to bring that to a wider audience to help pregnant women in my situation.

Let me introduce myself first:
My name is Sophie W., I am a 29 german born and raised living in the south of Germany. Since the 23rd of April this year I am the proud mom of a little mixed raced baby boy called Benyamin Devin Kaye. I am a single mom since pregnancy due to complications in my marriage with his trinidadian father. I started from scratch leaving Trinidad and Tobago in my 11th week of pregnancy with 40 pounds of clothes and absolutely no clue how to make it. My whole pregnancy was instant drama but it lead to the best experience in my life, giving birth to my son.

Since my nickname was Mummysofia since a trip to Jamaica in 2005, I named the blog Mummysofia 2.0 since I am a new me and a real mom now.

This blog will inform you about my pregnancy, different birth-preparation classes, the birth itself, after care and classes I visited with him after he was born. I will also discuss topics like dare care, travelling with a newborn, family issues, divorce, beeing a single mom and dropping those baby weight.

I hope you'll enjoy my blog!!!

MUAH xxxxxx yours MOMMY SOFIA xxxxxxx